FREDERICK COUNTY, Md. (DC News Now) — We’ve all heard of college signing day, but Frederick County Public Schools offers something similar to its Career and Technology Education students.

On Wednesday, these students got the chance to officially sign on with local companies that they will be working for after graduation.

“Not everyone goes to college, and we value what you are doing as well,” Supervisor of Career and Technical Education Dr. Christine Pearl said.

Over 28 students signed on the dotted line to secure their future after graduation.

Student Lillian Froehle said she spent about 450 hours in the FCPS apprenticeship program that gets them prepared for their future

“I’m thrilled to kind of start my career,” Froehle said. “I previously didn’t know what I wanted to do until I joined CTC and I’ve been able to learn exactly what I want to learn.”

David Cadenas and Fernando Paz have been working with Dynamic Automotive.

They tell us participating in a signing day like their other classmates makes them feel included.

“It was a great feeling,” Cadenas said. “You only see career signing day with a bunch of college athletes, but to have this like small ceremony for us career students — it’s honestly a great feeling.”

“This is what it’s all about, helping the next generation because it’s a legacy for us, where we can continue to build and then it allows us to help our community,” CEO of Dynamic Automotive.