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Việt Nam steps up cooperation with OECD

VIETNAM, May 4 - PARIS — Minister of Foreign Affairs Bùi Thanh Sơn has suggested the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) coordinate with Việt Nam to implement their cooperation focuses.

At a meeting with OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann on the sidelines of the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2024 (MCM), which took place in Paris on May 2-3, Sơn called on the organisation to continue its support for the implementation of the 15 projects within the Việt Nam-OECD action plan for 2022–2026.

The two sides should step up their partnership on the basis of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) they signed, he continued, suggesting the OECD facilitate Việt Nam’s more intensive integration into its specialised bodies, and help the country understand and contribute more to the building of global governance policies, especially in finance, tax, economy, development, digital policies, investment, and science-technology.

The minister presented Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính’s thank-you letter to the OECD, in which PM Chính appreciated the organisation’s invitation for Việt Nam to attend the MCM, and its support for the country’s co-chairmanship of the OECD’s Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP) for 2022-2025.

For his part, Cormann highly valued Việt Nam’s role as well as its active and responsible contributions to the SEARP, saying he is willing to work together with the country to select the specialised bodies that can help it seize global trends and standards in service of its making of suitable development policies.

On this occasion, Sơn met with Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for Manufacturing of Australia Tim Ayres, during which the Vietnamese official suggested the two sides soon complete the action programme to implement the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

This would create a firm foundation for them to deepen their collaboration across spheres, particularly economy, trade, investment, agriculture, education-training, and labour, while expanding cooperation in such new areas as green economy, energy transition, and digital transformation, he said, suggesting Australia continue its official development assistance (ODA) to Việt Nam in climate change response and human resources development.

Ayres highlighted coordination between the two countries as SEARP co-chairs for 2022-2025, and affirmed Australia’s support for Việt Nam’s efforts in enhancing its relationship with the OECD.

The minister also noted his support for the cooperation project between Việt Nam, Australia, and Laos, and his wishes for stronger cooperation with Việt Nam in all fields.

On May 3, Sơn had a meeting with his Japanese counterpart Kamikawa Yoko, where he called on Japan to increase its investment in Việt Nam in new realms like semiconductors, and help the Southeast Asian nation join its regional supply chain.

He also suggested the two countries foster cooperation in culture, people-to-people exchange, labour, and personnel training.

Kamikawa, for her part, said Japan backs the initiatives, orientations, and priorities proposed by Việt Nam to promote cooperation with the OECD, and agreed to forge cooperation between the two countries at multilateral forums like the OECD and the ASEAN.

Japan will continue its assistance to Việt Nam in industrialisation and modernisation in the new context, she pledged.

As part of his working trip, Sơn visited the headquarters of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) in Paris, where he met with OIF Secretary General Louise Mushikiwabo.

The minister said Việt Nam always support the OIF’s efforts in promoting cooperation for peace and development in the world, noting Việt Nam will attend and actively contribute to the 19th Francophonie Summit slated for October in France.

Mushikiwabo stressed that the OIF attaches importance to Việt Nam’s role and position in the Francophone community, and promised to help Việt Nam enhance its economic, trade, investment and tourism ties with French-speaking countries in a sustainable manner.

The OIF will strengthen cooperation with Việt Nam in spreading the language, and provide French language training for Việt Nam's peacekeeping forces, she said, adding the organisation stands ready to admit Vietnamese officials to work at its Secretariat. — VNS

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